
Software Factory


For software organizations working on limited budgets that have no room for mistakes and overruns, the One World Coders Software Factory provides dependable low-risk delivery.

For a monthly fee, the OWC team takes care of your application ensuring that it is always running smoothly and stays up to date with the latest security patches.

When you need something new, you pay not for developer time, but only for working features on your software system. OWC provides detailed cost commitments up-front and delivers new features on a monthly basis.

Supported Technologies: Ruby on Rails, React, Php/Laravel, and mobile apps in ReactNative

Remote Team Augmentation


Our One World Coders will come alongside your software development team to help you get the extra capacity you need to deliver your projects. Our team of software generalist build context with your project quickly and become an indispensable part of your team.

Cross-Cultural Training


Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is just as important as coding skills to the success of an international software development team. We use a framework of 10 cultural values to explore where you fall, then work together to make agreements about how the team will work together.

This turns the cultural differences that can cause miscommunication into one of your team’s greatest strengths and unlocks innovative team partnerships.

We deliver this training as a stand-alone service or If you hire One World Coders to augment your team, we train your entire team with this framework as a complementary part of our engagement kickoff.